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A number of indicatory microorganisms are found in clean and lightly polluted surface water in the ditch in Słupy village and in the drainage ditch in the region of Barczewo; in the Elżbieta Canal and in Wójtowo stream - for clean (TVC 37°C), lightly (TC, FC, and FS), or strongly (TVC 20°C) polluted surface water; and for inconsiderably or noticeably (TVC 20°C and TVC 37°C) and strongly (TC, FC, FS and Clostridium perfnngens) polluted surface waters, in the Orzechówka and Pisa Rivers. An inconsiderable amount of pollution by indicatory microorganisms is characteristic of the waters of Wadąg Lake and the Wadąg River, which flows from this reservoir. The greater amount of pollution by these microorganisms in the investigated watercourses occurs after rainfall in May and/or June, in September 1992, and after rain and thawing in the lake in January 1993.
Opis fizyczny
- Academy of Agriculture and Technology, 10-957 Olsztyn-Kortowo, Poland
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