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The amounts of cadmium in soil solution are a resultant of its mobilization from the soil solid phase and its immobilization from the soil solution. Microbial soil activity markedly affects both of these processes. Microorganisms influence cadmium mobilization throughout the modification of environmental conditions. This incltldes production of CO₂, organic and inorganic acids, formation of soluble complexes of metal with chelates, which can be microbial metabolites or products of microbial transformation of the soil organic matter. Microbially mediated immobilization of cadmium from the soil solution can involve binding of metal by cell envelopes, its intracellular accumulation, formation of insoluble Cd complexes with extracellular biopolimeres, or precipitation of cation with microbially produced inorganic anions, such as sulphides and phosphates.
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- Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Sklodowskiej, ul.Akademicka 19, 20-033 Lublin
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