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Content available remote The Kinesthetic Differentiation Ability of Table Tennis Players
Human Movement
tom 13
nr 1
Purpose. The aim of this study was to evaluate the differences between two groups of table tennis players (differing by their level of play) in terms of the kinesthetic differentiation ability of their so-called spatial component. Methods. The study was conducted using a goniometer which assessed the accuracy of performing an arm movement, specifically, the pronation and supination of the forearm at the elbow. The study analyzed the accuracy rate of performing this movement, where a smaller value indicated a higher level of kinesthetic differentiation ability. Results. In all four tasks, the more advanced (skill-wise) group of players obtained lower arithmetic mean and median values of accuracy than the group that played at a lower skill set. This may suggest the importance of the tested variable as an important component of table tennis. However, the tested groups did not significantly differ from each other in the accuracy of performing the studied movement. Nonetheless, the variability of the accuracy rate of the lower skill level group was considerably larger than the more advanced and skilled group. Conclusions. It can be assumed that the more advanced group is more homogeneous in terms of accuracy production. This could be the result of specific training exercises.
The beginnings of the 18th century marked the birth of Jewish sport. The most famous athletes of those days were boxers, such as I. Bitton, S. Eklias, B. Aaron, D. Mendoga. Popular sports of this minority group included athletics, fencing and swimming. One of the first sport organizations was the gymnastic society Judische Turnverein Bar Kocha (Berlin - 1896).Ping-pong as a new game in Europe developed at the turn of the 20th century. Sport and organizational activities in England were covered by two associations: the Ping Pong Association and the Table Tennis Association; they differed, for example, in the regulations used for the game. In 1902, Czeski Sport (a Czech Sport magazine) and Kurier Warszawski (Warsaw's Courier magazine) published first information about this game. In Czech Republic, Ping-pong became popular as early as the first stage of development of this sport worldwide, in 1900-1907. This was confirmed by the Ping-pong clubs and sport competitions. In Poland, the first Ping-pong sections were established in the period 1925-1930. Czechs made their debut in the world championships in London (1926). Poles played for the first time as late as in the 8th world championships in Paris (1933). Competition for individual titles of Czech champions was started in 1927 (Prague) and in 1933 in Poland (Lviv).In the 1930s, Czechs employed an instructor of Jewish descent from Hungary, Istvan Kelen (world champion in the 1929 mixed games, studied in Prague). He contributed to the medal-winning success of Stanislaw Kolar at the world championships. Jewish players who made history in world table tennis included Trute Kleinowa (Makkabi Brno) - world champion in 1935-1937, who survived imprisonment in the Auschwitz-Birkenau Nazi concentration camp, Alojzy Ehrlich (Hasmonea Lwów), the three-time world vice-champion (1936, 1937, 1939), also survivor of Auschwitz-Birkenau, and Ivan Andreadis (Sparta Praga), nine-time world champion, who was interned during World War II (camp in Kleinstein near Krapkowice).Table tennis was a sport discipline that was successfully played by female and male players of Jewish origins. They made powerful representations of Austria, Hungary, Romania and Czech Republic and provided the foundation of organizationally strong national federations.
Content available remote Proprioceptive Ability of Fencing and Table Tennis Practioners
Purpose. The aim of the study was to compare the spatial component of proprioceptive ability by reproducing a upper limb movement typical in table tennis and fencing. Methods. The research comprised 41 young males of which 12 were table tennis players, 14 fencers, and 15 not involved in any competitive sports as a control. The experiment was based on assessing the precision of pronation and supination of the forearm at the elbow joint in recreating a set movement range by use of a goniometer. Results and conclusions. The results point to a higher level of proprioceptive ability in fencers and table tennis players than the control group but only in respect to the tasks executed with the dominant limb. This is inferred to be the result from the specific character of both sports (i.e. the intensive use of one limb and the consequent laterality of that limb) causing higher sensitivity and proprioception. This may provide a link between swordplay, table tennis, and the level of proprioception. The research methodology used herein may be useful in monitoring fencing training. Although not unequivocally statistically significant, the results indicate the potential for further research in this area.
The psychomotor efficiency of 10 senior and 10 junior players of the Polish table-tennis team was tested. Two factors were differentiated in the structure of psychomotor efficiency: psychomotor control and psychomotor state. The table-tennis simulator was used in the research. The psychomotor efficiency was measured in complex and analytical ways. The speeds of anticipatory (complex factor) and simple (psychomotor state) ball-hitting movements were investigated. The anticipation (movement control) and behavioral fluctuation (psychomotor control) indexes were introduced. These factors were used to draw up psychomotor profiles of seniors, juniors, a champion (the best senior) and freely chosen player. Differences between the champion's profile and those of the groups and the freely chosen player were found. The senior's and juniors' profiles differ in complex efficiency, but among the structural factors only in motor speed potential (psychomotor state).
tom 53
nr 1
The beginnings of the 18th century marked the birth of Jewish sport. The most famous athletes of those days were boxers, such as I. Bitton, S. Eklias, B. Aaron, D. Mendoga. Popular sports of this minority group included athletics, fencing and swimming. One of the first sport organizations was the gymnastic society Judische Turnverein Bar Kocha (Berlin - 1896).Ping-pong as a new game in Europe developed at the turn of the 20th century. Sport and organizational activities in England were covered by two associations: the Ping Pong Association and the Table Tennis Association; they differed, for example, in the regulations used for the game. In 1902, Czeski Sport (a Czech Sport magazine) and Kurier Warszawski (Warsaw's Courier magazine) published first information about this game. In Czech Republic, Ping-pong became popular as early as the first stage of development of this sport worldwide, in 1900-1907. This was confirmed by the Ping-pong clubs and sport competitions. In Poland, the first Ping-pong sections were established in the period 1925-1930. Czechs made their debut in the world championships in London (1926). Poles played for the first time as late as in the 8th world championships in Paris (1933). Competition for individual titles of Czech champions was started in 1927 (Prague) and in 1933 in Poland (Lviv).In the 1930s, Czechs employed an instructor of Jewish descent from Hungary, Istvan Kelen (world champion in the 1929 mixed games, studied in Prague). He contributed to the medal-winning success of Stanislaw Kolar at the world championships. Jewish players who made history in world table tennis included Trute Kleinowa (Makkabi Brno) - world champion in 1935-1937, who survived imprisonment in the Auschwitz-Birkenau Nazi concentration camp, Alojzy Ehrlich (Hasmonea Lwów), the three-time world vice-champion (1936, 1937, 1939), also survivor of Auschwitz-Birkenau, and Ivan Andreadis (Sparta Praga), nine-time world champion, who was interned during World War II (camp in Kleinstein near Krapkowice).Table tennis was a sport discipline that was successfully played by female and male players of Jewish origins. They made powerful representations of Austria, Hungary, Romania and Czech Republic and provided the foundation of organizationally strong national federations.
Tenis stołowy w środowisku akademickim w Polsce ma ponad dziewięćdziesięcioletnią historię. Polscy studenci uczestniczą w międzynarodowym współzawodnictwie sportowym od pięciu dekad. Swoje światowe kariery sportowe w barwach Akademickiego Związku Sportowego rozpoczynali Andrzej Grubba i Leszek Kucharski, późniejsi medaliści mistrzostw świata i Europy, olimpijczycy. Polska organizowała dwukrotnie akademickie mistrzostwa świata. Gdańskie akademickie mistrzostwa świata w 1984 r. były zabezpieczone operacyjnie przez tamtejszy Wojewódzki Urząd Spraw Wewnętrznych.
Table tennis in the academic community in Poland has over ninety years of history. Polish university students have been participating in international sports competitions for five decades. Andrzej Grubba and Leszek Kucharski, world and European championship medal winners and Olympians, started their international sports careers in the colours of the Students’ Sports Association. Poland has organized two university world championships. The Gdańsk academic world championships in 1984 were held under operational surveillance of the Provincial Office of Internal Affairs.
The presented manner of investigating transfer was illustrated on the basis of research into 12 senior and 10 junior members of the Polish male national table tennis team, 6 highly skilled, adult, female table tennis players, 23 children practising table tennis, 13 highly-skilled male tennis players, and 9 adult, male competitors, highly skilled in other, non-racket sports. The term psychomotor learning was introduced. This learning was divided into movement, skills and situation motor behaviour. The research depended on the multiple repetition of a series of 17 simulated ball hitting movements and measuring the speed of these movements. The results were approximated by an exponential curve. Transfer was examined on the basis of the speed and range of learning calculated with respect to learning curves. The ratio of these two magnitudes was treated as the index of transfer. This reflected the transfer of the anticipatory experience and motor skills learned in real table tennis play to the conditions of simulated play. The index of transfer was the highest among female seniors and children, lower among male seniors and juniors practising table tennis and tennis, and the lowest among the group representing other sports. The research demonstrated the greater flexibility of anticipatory schemas and ball hitting skills in the group of female seniors and children than among the male seniors and juniors. The lowest transfer occurred in the group of other sports because of the small number of anticipatory and motor skills useful in table tennis play.
W artykule przedstawione są wyniki badań empirycznych zagranicznych zawodników zatrudnionych w najwyższej męskiej i kobiecej lidze tenisa stołowego oraz współpracujących z nimi polskich trenerów dotyczące dostrzeganych przez respondentów różnic kultur sportowych, w tym szczególnie relacji zawodników i trenerów oraz stylów kierowania procesem szkoleniowym przez trenerów w krajach pochodzenia zawodników i w Polsce oraz konsekwencji tych różnic dla szkolenia i wyników rywalizacji sportowej. Różnice kultur sportowych dotyczyły w szczególności zawodników i zawodniczek pochodzących z Chin i miały one swoje podłoże w różnicach społeczno-kulturowych pomiędzy krajem pochodzenia zawodników i Polską. Drugim wątkiem artykułu jest analiza ograniczeń, kosztów i korzyści wynikających z zatrudniania zagranicznych zawodników w polskich klubach na przykładzie tenisa stołowego. W badaniach zastosowano wywiady pogłębione z zawodnikami i trenerami, które pozwoliły na spojrzenie na wybrane problemy karier zawodowych sportowych migrantów w mało zbadanej pod tym względem dyscyplinie sportu.
The paper presents results of empirical study on elite international athletes and Polish coaches working in the Polish top table tennis clubs. It focuses on foreign players and investigated Polish the perceptions of coaches with regard to the differences between sports cultures in foreign players’ countries of origin and Poland, and their consequences for efficiency of sport training and competition results. Major research findings concerned Chinese athletes. Another issue analysed in the paper concerns on-going discussion on the limits, costs and benefits of introducing international players into national sport leagues. Based on the research results and literature review, we analyse the perceived impact of foreign players on the table tennis training system in Poland, relationships between Polish and foreign players and the role of international players in club competition. Applying qualitative research allowed the authors to present the insights and views of the investigated athletes and coaches, and to analyse problems occurring in the sport careers of international sport migrants a sport discipline that has hitherto not received much scrutiny.
In the first part of reflections, the reader will find information on the sports competitions of Polish sportspeople with the representatives of Czechoslovakia, Germany, and the Soviet Union, with due regard to the suspension of sports contacts for political reasons. The second part deals with the Polish-Lithuanian contacts in 1938–39 after the neighbouring countries established diplomatic relations.
W pierwszej części rozważań czytelnik odnajdzie informacje na temat rywalizacji sportowej zawodników polskich z reprezentantami Czechosłowacji, Niemiec i Związku Sowieckiego, z uwzględnieniem aspektu zawieszenia kontaktów sportowych z powodów politycznych. Druga część traktuje o kontaktach polsko-litewskich w latach 1938–1939, po nawiązaniu przez sąsiadujące kraje stosunków dyplomatycznych.
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