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Celem pracy jest przedstawienie kierunków zmian w środowisku wiejskim w Polsce po roku 1989 na przykładzie powiatu szczecineckiego. Kryterium stosowanym w niniejszym opracowaniu był stosunek własności gospodarstw rolnych. W celu dokładnego określenia struktury agrarnej kryterium własnościowe uzupełniano informacjami dodatkowymi, takimi jak: powierzchnia całkowita gospodarstw, sposób użytkowania ziemi, profil działalności oraz cech społeczno – ekonomiczne rolników. Podmiotem badań były gospodarstwa rolne wraz z gruntami leśnymi, budynkami, urządzeniami i inwentarzem.
Praca przedstawia stan i problemy polskiego rolnictwa oraz rozważania nad możliwością jego zrówno­ważonego rozwoju. Oceniono potencjał rolnictwa krajowego na tle rolnictwa Unii Europejskiej. Przedyskutowano problem wykorzystania owego potencjału. W oparciu o proporcje wybranych cech przeanalizowano strukturę agrarną. Scharakteryzowano zasoby gruntów rolnych, zatrudnienie w rolnictwie, liczbę indywidualnych gospodarstw rolnych i ich wielkość ekonomiczną, jak i liczbę gospodarstw rolnych w odniesieniu do poszczególnych grup obszarowych. W zrównoważonym rozwoju polskiego rolnictwa istniejąca struktura agrarna powinna podlegać naturalnej i stopnio­wej ewolucji. Autorzy wyrażają przekonanie, że zwiększanie skali i intensywności produkcji nie powinno stanowić głównego nurtu w kreowaniu rozwoju polskiego rolnictwa. Model zrównoważonego rozwoju polskiego rolnictwa powinien bowiem uwzględniać prócz funkcji produkcyjnych także cały szereg ważnych usług środowiskowych, jakie pełni ten dział gospodarki. Można i należy wykorzystywać dobre praktyki i doświadczenia zachodnie, ale należy to robić przy realizmie wynikającym z uwzględniania polskich uwarunkowań.
The paper presents the condition and problems suffered by the Polish agriculture and a vision of its sustained development. It presents its domestic potential against the background of the European Union 's agriculture and how it is utilized. The structure of agriculture was analyzed based on the proportions of selected qualities. Resources of agricultural land, manufacturing potential, employment in agriculture, the number of individual farmsteads and their economic size as well as the number of farmsteads in individual area groups were characterized. Based on the research it was established that profit maximized by increasing scale and intensifying manufacturing should not determine the direction of the growth of the Polish agriculture. In the process ofseeking a development model of the Polish agriculture it is rather necessary to lookfor solutions appropriate for historic conditions and taking advantage of the existing agrarian structure rather than drastically changing it. Also infrastructural investments are required that would lead to equalizing life conditions in rural areas and in towns and cities.
Content available Dynamika ludnosci a struktura agrarna
The paper describes the influence of birth and migration rates of peasant population on their farm proportions. The author ascertained that the agricultural areas in Poland became filled with population about two hundred years ago and afterwards overpopulation grew there. The reasons for this were the high birth rates of the peasant population. Only in 1945 was that course inverted. Though since then the peasant migration has considerably increased still its birth rates remained high and, as a result the decrease of peasant population till 1990 was insufficient and the agricultural structure remained defective. The situation of Polish agriculture in the integration process with the EU will be difficult.
One of significant terms of admitting our country to the European Union is improving of land acreage structure in Polish agriculture. In the UE member countries one of the tools for such improvement has become the modernized land lease. The establishment of European Commnunity and their common agricultural policy strongly affected the development of land leasing in member countries. The land lease in the DE countries has been of long-time tradition and some of its forms, e.g. emphyteusis have exists since the Roman period. Apart from the land lease of thousand-year tradition there exist its relatively modern farms in complience with the requirements of agricultural production nowadays. If the land lease is to be a permanent instrument f or management of land resources subjected to the Agricultural Property Agency of State Treasury, then - considering legal regulations of land lease in the UE countries – the leasing agreements of local range or for the specific crop and animal production should be disseminated in Poland apart from traditional forms being in the use till now.
Due to lack of larger manufacturing plants and source natural resources the Dąbrowa district belonged to the majority of districts in the Cracow Voivodeship in which agriculture was the main source of income for most of the inhabitations. In the interwar period, disadvantageous changes took place in the agrarian structure of the district. The  number of farms of the area lower than 5 ha, taht is below self-sufficiency level, increassed from 80% in 1921 to 87% in1939. On the one hand, land divisions increased the number of small farms, on the other, they burdened many farms with credits that were taken from numerous institutions to discharge liabities to other family members. the agrarian reform did not, and could not, improve the situation of most of the farms. The gret rural property that kept using traditional farming methods also did not manage to protect itself from the consequences of the crisis. the steps that were undertaken to medernize the farming were neither sufficiently consequent nor well-thought-out. Thus, properties were seriously indebeted and some of them were prceled out or sold. As L. Ręgorowicz said: "The collapse of the great rural  property is measured by the fact that when the war becgan in 1939, 14 out of 24 estates belonged to jews, and only 10 to Poles". The enumerated drawbacks of the agrarian structure considerably influenced the way of farming and the economic situation to the local people. In mamy respects, small-scale agriculture in Dąbrowa was devoid of contacts with the market and was characterized by numerous features typical for natural farming.
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