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W opracowaniu przedstawiono wyniki badań przeprowadzonych w 860 podmiotach gospodarczych działających w gminach wiejskich. Badane firmy największe problemy miały z finansowaniem uruchomienia działalności a następnie z utrzymaniem płynności finansowej. Rozwojowi działalności nie sprzyjał także system podatkowy. Mniej niż połowa firm generowała dochody na poziomie umożliwiającym inwestowanie. Głównym źródłem ich przewagi konkurencyjnej były niskie ceny. Właściciele firm mieli słabe rozeznanie o natężeniu konkurencji.
The results that are presented in the report are taken from a study of 860 firms that operate in rural areas. The biggest problems these firms have are gathering the financial means to set up a business and, consequently, maintaining a healthy financial balance while operating. The tax system is not favourable for the growth and development of these companies either. Less than half of the firms has financial resources that leave room for investment. The main reason for having advantages in comparison with the competition were low prices. The owners of the firms generally had little knowledge about the intensity of the competition.
In the paper there is presented the part of small and medium firms (MSP) in the creating of gross national income and situation of this sector in the aspect of employment, investment, Polish regional scheme and part in the state budget income. The program 'Development of Polish Exportation " is discussed as well. There is also presented the II all-Polish Fair "MSP 2001 – everything for small and medium firms " and the State Education Forum that took the place in Warsaw in 6-8th June 2001.
In this article, the author pays attention to the public support, its volumes and importance for the sector of small and medium enterprises. In the value of the public support provided for development of small and medium enterprises, a high percentage of support coming to subsidies and tax allowances is noticeable that grew to more than 83% in 2003. An unusual modesty of the public statistical data raises the rank of surveys as the basis for analysis and conclusion-drawing as regards the importance of public support for conditions of those enterprises' functioning. The empirical data of the Polish Agency for Entrepreneurship Development (PARP) and of the Institute of Home Market and Consumption show that not many small and medium enterprises in Poland attempted to obtain public support; the main factor differing undertaking attempts has been size of the enterprise.
В статье обращают внимание на публичную помощь, ее размерьі и значение для сектора мальїх и средних предприятий. В стоимости публичной помощи, предоставленной для развития мальїх и средних предприятий, обращает внимание високая доля помощи, приходящейся на дотации и налоговьіе льготьі, которьіе в 2003 году увеличились до больше, чем 83%. Необьїкновенная скромность публичньїх статистических данньїх повьішает ранг опросов в качестве основьі для анализа и умозаключения о значений публичной помощи для условий функционирования зтих предприятий. Из змпирических данньїх Польского агентства развития предпринимательства и Института внутреннего
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