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Let a family S of spaces and a class F of mappings between members of S be given. For two spaces X and Y in S we define $Y ≤_F X$ if there exists a surjection f ∈ F of X onto Y. We investigate the quasi-order $≤_F$ in the family of dendrites, where F is one of the following classes of mappings: retractions, monotone, open, confluent or weakly confluent mappings. In particular, we investigate minimal and maximal elements, chains and antichains in the quasi-order $≤_{F}$, and characterize spaces which can be mapped onto some universal dendrites under mappings belonging to the considered classes.
Let a family S of spaces and a class F of mappings between members of S be given. For two spaces X and Y in S we define $Y ≤_F X$ if there exists a surjection f ∈ F of X onto Y. We investigate the quasi-order $≤_F$ in the family of dendrites, where F is one of the following classes of mappings: retractions, monotone, open, confluent or weakly confluent mappings. In particular, we investigate minimal and maximal elements, chains and antichains in the quasi-order $≤_{F}$, and characterize spaces which can be mapped onto some universal dendrites under mappings belonging to the considered classes.
1. Introduction..................................................................5
2. Preliminaries................................................................6
3. Hierarchy of spaces.....................................................7
4. Dendrites.....................................................................9
5. Monotone and confluent mappings............................13
6. Open mappings ........................................................22
7. Problems ...................................................................51
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Rozprawy Matematyczne
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Dissertationes Mathematicae, Tom CCCXXXIII
- Mathematical Institute, University of Wrocław, Pl. Grunwaldzki 2/4, 50-384 Wrocław, Poland
- Mathematical Institute, University of Wrocław, Pl. Grunwaldzki 2/4, 50-384 Wrocław, Poland
- Institute of Mathematics, Pedagogical University, ul. Oleska 48, 45-951 Opole, Poland
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1991 Mathematics Subject Classification: 54C10, 54F50.
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