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We study general Franklin systems, i.e. systems of orthonormal piecewise linear functions corresponding to quasi-dyadic sequences of partitions of [0,1]. The following problems are treated: unconditionality of the general Franklin basis in $L^p$, 1 < p < ∞, and $H^p$, 1/2 < p ≤ 1; equivalent conditions for the unconditional convergence of the Franklin series in $L^p$ for 0< p ≤ 1; relation between Haar and Franklin series with identical coefficients; characterization of the spaces BMO and Lip(α), 0 < α < 1, in terms of the Fourier-Franklin coefficients.
We study general Franklin systems, i.e. systems of orthonormal piecewise linear functions corresponding to quasi-dyadic sequences of partitions of [0,1]. The following problems are treated: unconditionality of the general Franklin basis in $L^p$, 1 < p < ∞, and $H^p$, 1/2 < p ≤ 1; equivalent conditions for the unconditional convergence of the Franklin series in $L^p$ for 0< p ≤ 1; relation between Haar and Franklin series with identical coefficients; characterization of the spaces BMO and Lip(α), 0 < α < 1, in terms of the Fourier-Franklin coefficients.
1. Introduction.....................................................................................5
1.1. Notation......................................................................................7
2. Definition and properties of general Franklin systems..................10
2.1. Piecewise linear functions.........................................................10
2.2. Franklin functions.....................................................................11
2.3. Sequences of partitions and Franklin functions........................13
2.3.1. Regularity of sequences of partitions...................................14
2.4. Sequences of partitions and general Haar systems.................16
2.5. Technical lemmas.....................................................................17
3. Franklin series in $L^p$, 1 < p < ∞...............................................21
4. Franklin series in $L^p$, 0 < p ≤ 1, and $H^p$, 1/2 < p ≤ 1..........27
5. The necessity of strong regularity in $H^p$, 1/2 < p ≤ 1...............42
6. Haar and Franklin series with identical coefficients......................46
7. Characterization of the spaces BMO and Lip(α), 0 < α < 1...........51
1. Introduction.....................................................................................5
1.1. Notation......................................................................................7
2. Definition and properties of general Franklin systems..................10
2.1. Piecewise linear functions.........................................................10
2.2. Franklin functions.....................................................................11
2.3. Sequences of partitions and Franklin functions........................13
2.3.1. Regularity of sequences of partitions...................................14
2.4. Sequences of partitions and general Haar systems.................16
2.5. Technical lemmas.....................................................................17
3. Franklin series in $L^p$, 1 < p < ∞...............................................21
4. Franklin series in $L^p$, 0 < p ≤ 1, and $H^p$, 1/2 < p ≤ 1..........27
5. The necessity of strong regularity in $H^p$, 1/2 < p ≤ 1...............42
6. Haar and Franklin series with identical coefficients......................46
7. Characterization of the spaces BMO and Lip(α), 0 < α < 1...........51
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Dissertationes Mathematicae, Tom CCCLXXIV
- Erevan State University, Department of Mathematics, Alex Manoukian St. 1, 375049 Erevan, Armenia,
- Instytut Matematyczny PAN, ul. Abrahama 18, 81-825 Sopot, Poland,
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1991 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 42C10.
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