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What we call fantastic, one of the dimensions of the supernatural, is, in turn, understood as one of the forms of the real by the indigenous people. This study sought to document the rich culture of the fantastic entities of indigenous populations from different regions of the Amazon, from which folkloric and demonic beliefs often emerge. The purpose of this article is to expand and develop an understanding of an aesthetic, semiotic, metaphorical, and symbolic order of the indigenous culture of the Amazon, through sensitivity, ecological awareness, and respect for the culture and history of these traditional peoples. The method of this study aligns with the Indigenous worldview, and respect, and upholds its relational significance. It transcribes lived and presented cultural experiences with a rich use of metaphors, stories, and symbols, of sound and visual features and landscapes as an experience of living space, exploring the environmental, mythical, and spiritual dimensions of indigenous peoples.
Opis fizyczny
- The Institute of Biopaleogeography named under Charles R. Darwin, Złocieniec, District Drawski, West Pomerania, Poland
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