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The Classic Approaches to the Problem of Truth in the “Post-World”
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1. For many people, the contemporary culture seems to be something different from modernity, it is something resembling a special period of “post-”. At the same time, different trends are present in current culture. Some reach the genesis of nearly two and a half thousand years back, others have about half a century. Perhaps also breaks some modern belief that in every culture, “newer” means “better”. 2. Representatives of the philosophical and theological trend of “Radical Orthodoxy” noticed in this the approach of postmodernism to the pre-modern tradition. Therefore, we can say that we live and operate in a “post-world”, without leading currents of thought. On the other hand, is the current culture very different from the others when you look at it from the perspective of centuries? 3. For many philosophers, it is still important to reach to the great traditional approaches to the problem of truth. These are above all three concepts related to three great philosophical syntheses created by Plato, Aristotle and Saint Thomas Aquinas. This is also evident among the basic contemporary trends critical of the classics and philosophical tradition. 4. M. Heidegger created a certain idea of being reduced to the time determinant. For the supporters of his views, it became the overcoming of Aquinas’s theory. The German thinker also formulated a specific interpretation of Plato's views on truth. He contrasted it with Thomas's concept, especially with the definition of truth as the adequacy of thing to intellect. 5. T. Bartoś – Polish author of the new attempt to read the essence of the concept – believes, in turn, that the statements of the Angelic Doctor can be found close to the characteristics of post-modernity. He points to a certain incoherence and fragmentary nature of the problem, anthropocentrism and pragmatism of the approach, and a rejection of the unity of truth. It seems, however, that there is a lot of exaggeration in this interpretation. De facto, we are dealing here with radical criticism of Thomism as a trend that develops the views of Saint Thomas Aquinas, because none of the known Thomists do not even come close in their deliberations to the view that T. Bartoś formulated. 6. Finally, a group of philosophers using in the method of reflection the achievements of contemporary logic, representatives of analytic philosophy, generally seems to be aimed at getting rid of the term “truth” from his vocabulary. The idea of reaching their assumptions of logical positivism is difficult to discuss with his followers because of the difference in approach to the practice of philosophy itself between the “analysts” and “non-analysts”. The classic concept of philosophy, under which situates itself Platonism, Aristotelianism and Thomism, is different from the concept of linguistic or neo-positivist, which locates to analytic philosophy. 7. The classical approach to truth, especially the definition developed in the final shape in the Middle Ages, indicating the adequacy of things and the intellect as the essence of truth, therefore meets with criticism from various directions. This does not mean that they should go into oblivion, that they have been replaced by newer and better concepts, or simply refuted. The proclamation of the slogans such as “The End of the Era ...”, “The End of Truth ...” sounds propaganda. 8. The classical approach to the problem of truth has lost nothing in its argumentation. In fact, the current forms of criticism do not rely on any discussion, but on the rejection of the principles on which it is based. Heidegger proclaimed his vision of being and truth, supporting it with a hermeneutic analysis of ancient works. He claimed that this vision is contained in the properly read outlooks of ancient Greek thinkers. The current of philosophy practiced with the use of modern logic tools considers reality only in so far as it can be translated into a “language fact”. This is the analysis of language and not reality. The proposal to read the theory of truth contained in the works of Aquinas, submitted by T. Bartoś to be a projection of some interpretative grid on the expression Thomas's interpretation, wherein the radically differs from the recognized positions. 9. It seems that in the whirlwind of ideologies present in philosophy, science and culture in general, it remains to preserve the classical approach to the problem of truth and develop them according to their essential elements. Compilation with principles that are not appropriate to them will not result in the presentation of their authentic content. They are permanent achievements of culture, philosophically justified. Recourse to reality, confrontation with it, makes the classic approaches open in terms of development. None of them provides a closed system also adopted a priori or received by the conversion performed according to a specified number of regulations. The development of the classical approaches to the problem of truth is theoretically interesting for the whole field of philosophy and as such should be supported.
Opis fizyczny
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