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Urząd Bezpieczeństwa i Ludowe Wojsko Polskie wobec podziemia niepodległościowego na terenie powiatu przeworskiego w latach 1944–1947



OFFICE OF PUBLIC SECURITY AND POLISH PEOPLE’S ARMY IN RELATION TO THE UNDERGROUND INDEPENDENCE MOVEMENT IN THE PRZEWORSK POVIAT 1944–1947 The Poviat Office of Public Security in Przeworsk, whose later organizations and methods of work were modelled after the Soviet solutions, was established in the autumn of 1944. It became an instrument allowing the communist circles gathered in the Polish Workers’ Party (PWP) to seize control of the poviat, which took place in stages from 1944 until 1947. This would not be possible had it not been for armed assistance of the Red Army and units of the Polish People’s Army.The elimination of the underground independence movement in the poviat took place with the use of operation methods practised by the security services in the whole Poland. The army was used to carry out military actions, arrest suspects, convoy the resettled Ukrainians etc. An analysis of the operations carried out by the Office of Security and Polish People’s Army indicates that only with their help was PWP able to assume power in the region. Using psychological and physical terror on the poviat community, a system hostile to national traditions was imposed. It effectively enslaved the inhabitants in the following years.


podziemie niepodległościowe, powiat przeworski, Narodowe Siły Zbrojne, Armia Krajowa, aparat represji
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