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Theological Aspects of the Renewed Liturgy of the Sacrament of Penance
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Author of the article underlines the following elements of the liturgy: Paschal, Ecclesial, Pneumatological and Pastoral. Presence of all mentioned elements is necessary, that the Mystery of Merciful and Forgiving God shall be fulfilled in the People of God, as the Subject of God’s Grace offered incessantly in the Church. Paschal element is the Mystery of Christ’s redemption, it is a space where Heaven joins the Earth and the Merciful Love poured out into human hearts frees them from the slavery of sin, yet forms and transforms them according to their ideas drawing power from the inexpressible Mystery of His Cross and Resurrection. Every sin wounds not only an individual but also the entire Community of the Church, therefore an ecclesial aspect of the sacrament of penance expresses the Mission of the Church in proclamation the Word of God calling to repentance, caring for each sinner and his reconciliation with God and the Church through the ministry of a priest. Communal celebration of penance very clear points out toward universalism of the Divine Proclamation calling to conversion and changing of heart. Constant call on the Power of the Holy Spirit in the liturgical celebration bears witness to His unique mission fulfilled in the Church. The Power of the Holy Spirit, the Animator, Renovator and Sanctificator becomes present in a sacramental absolution granted to a penitent. Also the New Formula of the sacramental absolution in its rich form and content contains the fullest theological truth regarding God and man. Pastoral aspect of the Sacrament of Penance embraces and heals the entire person and all members of Christian Community act as ministers of reconciliation.
Grzech zadaje ranę nie tylko pojedynczej osobie, ale całej wspólnocie Kościoła, dlatego wierny ma obowiązek pojednać się najpierw z Kościołem, a dopiero potem prosić o przebaczenie sakramentalne w indywidualnej spowiedzi. W odpowiedzi na potrzebę uwydatnienia i przeżycia aspektu wspólnotowego spowiedzi św. odnowione obrzędy pokuty uwzględniają bardzo bogaty wybór czytań biblijnych, a także osiem wzorów nabożeństw pokutnych: dwa z uwzględnieniem roku liturgicznego, trzy dotyczące tematyki nawrócenia oraz po jednym dla dzieci, młodzieży i chorych.
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