Warianty tytułu
Analysis of the risk in the supply chain and its management in the international context
Języki publikacji
Companies that operate internationally due to the complexity of commercial transactions are increasingly exposed to the negative consequences of existing threats that do not exist any longer only in the local environment. Enterprise in order to prevent such situations has to analyze risk in their supply chain and develop appropriate methods of its management in the form of prevention and mitigation of potential impacts. Because the literature is relatively rare in studies on international risk management, and its incidence is increasing strongly, the article presents possible solutions with an emphasis on the international aspect. As the risk that hypothetically occurs outside of the supply chain affects it interior in the increasing level, hence the need to develop appropriate methods for dealing with such situations. By analyzing various risk management methods and their mutual comparison, it is possible to show the desirability of their applications for enterprises embedded in international supply chains.
Opis fizyczny
- Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu, Katedra Marketingu Międzynarodowego
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Biblioteka Nauki
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