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Speech disorders in the game of Baldur's Gate series heroes
Języki publikacji
Baldur's Gate game series belong to the RPG classics. The world that is presented in them is based on AD&D rules of the second edition. In addition, they represent a genre known as high fantasy. It presents the metamorphosis of characters - ordinary people become heroes. They were not born as heroes. This means that they are not impeccable, without defects or disabilities. In this way they diverge from the classic, epic characters of the hero. Their weaknesses make them more human and thus closer to the real world. Of course, these im-perfections concern different spheres. This analysis focuses on the linguistic manifestations of speech disorders of some characters. Problems related to speech do not only concern the language culture, but they also include disorders that are interesting from the point of view of speech therapy (corrective and artistic therapy pathologies, including glottologopedics, balbutologopedics and neurologopedics). The material for the analysis was obtained from scripts of dialogues and audio material from the games: Baldur's Gate (including Baldur's Gate: Tales of the SwordCoast) and Baldur's Gate II (including Baldur's Gate II: Bhaal's Throne), in full Polish language versions (acting dubbing and tensions). The description uses the case study method.
Niniejszy tekst skupia się na językowych przejawach zaburzeń mowy niektórych postaci. Problemy związane z mową nie dotyczą tylko kultury języka, ale zaburzeń, które są intere-sujące z punktu widzenia logopedii (korekcyjno-artystycznej, w tym glottologopedii, balbu-tologopedii oraz neurologopedii). Materiał do analizy został pozyskany z zapisów dialogo-wych oraz materiałów audio z gier: Baldur’sGate (w tym Baldur’sGate: Opowieści z Wy-brzeża Mieczy) oraz Baldur’sGate II (w tym Baldur’sGate II: Tron Bhaala), w pełnych pol-skich wersjach językowych (dubbing aktorski oraz napisy). Przy opisie wykorzystano meto-dę studium przypadku (case study).
Opis fizyczny
- Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
Typ dokumentu
Identyfikator YADDA