Warianty tytułu
Paul Natorp's project of philosophical shaping the human in perspective of free will-ethics and responsibility
Języki publikacji
The article presents Paul Natorp's social theory in relation to sources of culture. Bearing in mind symptomatic features of evolutionary thinking of the transcendental thought of Marburgian thinker, the question of the moral idea that becomes a reflection of the philosophically developed system of social pedagogy (Sozialpädagogik) becomes a forgotten issue of the moral idea. The article also shows how Natorp – using the differentiation of nature and culture – engages in the process of justifying pedagogy the Gesetzwissenschaften-area (logic, ethics, aesthetics), identifying philosophical pedagogy with science and at the same time the art of ethical human formation in the practice of responsible education and teaching.
Opis fizyczny
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Typ dokumentu
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