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Axiological lexis in the Constitution of the Republic of Poland – a selection and classification
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The article presents a selection and preliminary classification of axiological lexis included in the currently valid Constitution of the Republic of Poland. Typology of names is preceded by the characteristics of the analyzed source and the description of an axiological level of the document. Constitutional axiological terms have been divided into three types. Firstly, a division into positive and negative values has been introduced. It has been noticed that a manner of presentation of counter values in the Constitution indicates inequality of negative values in relation to positive values. Secondly, the names have been grouped into lexical fields and two field structures being a reflection of the constitutional dualism of the sources’ values have been formulated. Thirdly, a division of the terms including denotation of names has been made and the following has been distinguished: a source of values, basic and instrumental values as well as their carriers and symbols. A detailed indication of the names and types of values protected in the Constitution leads to the revelation of the set of values professed by the civil community. A typological study of the gathered lexical material evokes methodological difficulties but still creates a necessary basis of a more profound semantic analysis.
Opis fizyczny
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