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Purpose: In recent years, circular innovation has been gaining increasing attention in the management literature. The popularity of this research stems from the fact that the concept of Circular-Oriented Innovation fills a gap in operationalizing a company's transition from traditional (linear) to alternative (circular) product and service systems. Recent research further suggests that due to its complexity - resulting from fundamentally redesigning production, processes, and organization - the successful implementation of Circular-Oriented Innovation may require different contextual factors than studies relating to traditionally framed innovation have shown. Given the still inadequate academic knowledge in this area, the paper proposes a new conceptualization of organizational context elements crucial to the effective implementation of Circular-Oriented Innovation. Design/methodology/approach: The paper is theoretical and cognitive, grounded in an extensive literature review encompassing theoretical, review, and empirical studies on understanding Circular-Oriented Innovation and its determinants. The paper's insights enrich the existing literature and enhance comprehension of innovation based on the circularity rationale. Moreover, they underscore the imperative for additional scientific endeavors, particularly comparative studies and empirical validation of the developed conceptual model. Findings: The paper proposes that the effective implementation of Circular-Oriented Innovation results from the interplay of three key elements of the organizational context. Thus, it requires the simultaneous adoption of a circular strategic orientation, the mobilization of the CE-related resources and capabilities, and collaboration with stakeholders throughout the value creation chain. An extension of the theoretical structure of the model, resulting from the necessity of the systemic nature of Circular-Oriented Innovation postulated in the literature (i.e., making changes in all dimensions of the companies' operations), is also the inclusion of (linking the various contextual elements) organization-al processes, i.e., organizational learning processes, strategic foresight, and design processes, as well as internal and external collaborative processes. Originality/value: The scientific contribution of the paper is the conceptual framework of crucial elements of organizational context that stimulate the effective implementation of Circular-Oriented Innovation, which goes beyond existing literature narratives on the implantation of Circular Economy principles at the organizational level. The proposed theoretical framework, taking the form of a 'dynamic triangle', aims to develop a new way of thinking about the contextual determinants of Circular-Oriented Innovation and is an original contribution to management theory, reorganizing the potential processes that are crucial to the implementation of such innovations in all dimensions of companies' operations. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Silesian University of Technology, Poland
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