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Cost approach assumes the definition of the current value of the costs to restore or replace the valuated object with later corrections due to the general wear. The application of the cost approach in the valuation of plots with ground improvements and ground improvements alone, involves the determination of the rest value of the replacement (restoration) of the valuated object. The rest value of replacement (restoration) of the valuated object consists of the rest value of the replacement (restoration) of ground improvements and the market value of the plot (the rights connected to the plot) during its present use. Thus the value of the ground, determined based on the cost approach, includes two components: the value of the plot (or the value of the rights to use it) and the value of ground improvements. While applying the cost approach, the information used in the valuation procedures should comply with the market data on the costs of making this real estate or a similar real estate in contemporary conditions, adding the profit for the subcontractor. Apart from the profit for the subcontractor one can take into account the profit for the investor, if the possibility of obtaining such a profit was confirmed by the information on the price of selling by the investors having built similar objects. The amount of the mentioned profit is determined based on the analysis of respective information from the market. Besides, the prices of sale (offer) by the investors having built similar objects can be used in calculating the market value of the valuated object, according to the comparative approach with the application of proper corrections. (fragment of text)
Opis fizyczny
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