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The problem of quality assessment of soil emerges in many cases. The need to assess the quality of arable and forested areas has for long been known and recognised, since it gives an indication of their productivity and allows to determine the tax due, calculation of the property price etc. This method has legal grounds and is based on a specific methodology. The situation is slightly different in case of the reclaimed areas. Although the question on how to evaluate them persists, no un- ambiguous methods in that domain have been developed yet. There are also no uniform rules and criteria to evaluate the quality of reclaimed land and the reclamation alone. There is also a need to develop such evaluation system that could allow the "transition" from the evaluation of reclaimed land to the system of classification of mature soil. The assessment of land subject to reclamation must take account of the quality of soil, and the land formation (hills, trough, slope, share of horizontal area etc.). Despite numerous attempts, no such system of assessment has been developed in Poland that would be deemed unambiguous and generally applicable [8, 12, 15]. In case of reclaimed formations being evaluated, firstly such features should be considered that are most important in terms of the completion of the reclamation, with particular attention to such properties which may hinder them the most. In case of the assessment of the reclaimed land, the main attention should be drawn to such features which describe the productivity of the created area for the natural use.(fragment of text)
Opis fizyczny
- AGH University of Science and Technology Kraków, Poland
- AGH University of Science and Technology Kraków, Poland
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- Gruszczyński S., Trafas M.: Klasyfikacja poprzemysłowych obiektów bezglebowych dla celów rekultywacji (Classification of Post-mining Soilless Objects for Reclamation). Inżynieria Środowiska, t. 6, z. 1, 2001, pp. 67-83 (in Polish, with an English summary).
- Kowalik S.: Właściwości gleby inicjalnej, ukształtowanej w wyniku wieloletniej uprawy rolniczej gruntów zwałowiskowych górnictwa siarki (Propertied of initial soil formed as a result of prolonged agricultural use of dump soil from sulphur mining). Zeszyty Problemowe Postępów Nauk Rolniczych, nr 418, cz. 2, 1995, pp. 709-716 (in Polish, with and English summary).
- Kowalik S.: Problem fosforu w objętych rekultywacją rolniczą bardzo zwięzwłych gruntach zwalowiskowych górnictwa siarki (The Problem of Phosphorus in the Agricultural Reclamation of Very Compact Grounds in the Heap of Sulphur Mining). Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu, nr 4, 1204, 2008, pp. 49-59 (in Polish, with and English summary).
- Krogulska E.: Studium potencjalnego zagrożenia erozja wodną na zwałowisku zewnętrznym Kopalni Siarki Piaseczno (Study of the potential risk of water erosion in the external dump area of the Sulphur Mine of Piaseczno). AGH, Kraków 2002 (M.Sc. Thesis, in Polish).
- Krzaklewski W.: Fitosocjologiczna metoda oceny warunków rekultywacji na przykładzie skarp zwałowiska "Adamów" (The Phyto-sociological method of evaluating the conditions of reclaming and afforestation of waste land on example of dumping slopes of the "Adamów" colliery). Archiwum Ochrony Środowiska, nr 3-4, 1979, pp. 121-165 (in Polish, with and English summary).
- Mocek A., Owczarzak W., Gilewska M., Rybczyński P.: Wybrane właściwości fizyczno-chemiczne gleb wytworzonych na zwa³owisku wewnętrznym odkrywki Pątnów pod monokulturą pszenicy i wpływem zróżnicowanych dawek nawożenia mineralnego (Selected physical and chemical properties of soils developed from an internal heap of the "Pątnów" opencast mine under long-term wheat monoculture and incluenced by varying doses of mineral fertilisers). Annales UMCS, Sec. E, Vol. LIX, No. 4, 2004, pp. 1577-1585 (in Polish, with and English summary).
- Shukla M.K., Lal R., Ebinger M.: Soil Quality Indicators for Reclaimed Minesoils in Southeastern Ohio. Soil Science, Vol. 169, Issue 2, 2004, pp. 133-142.
- Skawina T., Trafas M.: Zakres wykorzystania i sposób interpretacji wyników badań geologicznych dla potrzeb rekultywacji (Scope of utilisation and interpretation of geological study results for the needs of reclamation). Ochrona Terenów Górniczych, nr 16, 1971, pp. 3-11 (in Polish, with and English summary).
- Trafas M., Eckes T.: Glebotwórcze aspekty oceny utworów sztucznych na przykładzie odpadów po flotacji rud cynku i ołowiu (Soil-making Aspects in the Evaluation of Artificial Formations; Focus on the Wastes Formed after the Flotation of zinc and Lead Ores). Geomatics and Environmental Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 2, 2007, pp. 97-110 (in Polish, with an English summary).
- Trafas M., Gruszczyński S.: Określenie relacji wskaźnika bonitacyjnego terenów bezglebowych do jednostek klasyfikacji gleb (The Definition of the Relationships of Bonitation Index for Soilless Areas to the Soil Classification Units). Inżynieria Środowiska, t. 6, z. 1, 2001, pp. 161-169 (in Polish, with an English summary).
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- Węgorek T.: Zmiany niektórych właściwości materiału ziemnego i rozwój fitocenoz na zwałowisku zewnętrznym kopalni siarki w wyniku leśnej rekultywacji docelowej. (Changes of some properties of soil material and development of phytocenosis on the external dump of sulphur mine as a result of target forest reclamation). Rozprawy Naukowe Akademii Rolniczej w Lublinie, Wydział Rolniczy, z. 275, Lublin 2003 (in Polish).
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