z. 193 Współczesne trendy w organizacji i zarządzaniu = Modern Trends in Organization and Management
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Purpose: This article contributes to the discussion on local good governance (LGG) by proposing an indicator that takes into account the main values of LGG, measures its level, and considers selected determinants. The considerations were based on an assessment of the actions of local authorities from the perspective of residents in rural areas in Poland. Design/methodology/approach: A bibliometric analysis of works dedicated to LGG and its main principles was conducted. Additionally, a quantitative data analysis was carried out based on a survey using the Computer-Assisted Telephone Interview (CATI) method among 700 residents of rural areas in Poland. Findings: The bibliometric analysis revealed a research gap in the issues addressed. The empirical study provides evidence of a moderately positive assessment of actions in terms of credibility, transparency, participatory readiness, willingness to share power, responsiveness, and efficiency. Psychosocial factors significantly influenced the evaluation of LGG. Sociodemographic variables did not significantly differentiate the assessments. Research limitations/implications: Quantitative research has a general nature. It would be valuable to also apply qualitative methods to deepen the understanding of the interpretation of individual LGG values by both rural and urban communities, taking into account the local context. Practical implications: The relatively poor assessment of local authorities' activities from the perspective of LGG principles suggests the need to reconsider the introduction of changes in this sphere of public governance. Social implications: The discussion of the role of LGG values can contribute to greater awareness and solidify these principles among both the authorities and citizens. Originality/value: The contribution to the development of knowledge includes the characterisation of the dynamics and trends in the international scientific discourse on local governance. It also constructs and empirically verifies the LGG indicator (based on statistical analyses). (original abstract)
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