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Purpose: The aim of the article is to identify the most important characteristics related to the logistics perspective of distribution and the concept of distribution logistics. Design/methodology/approach: The article presents the nature and the most significant characteristics concerning the distribution and distribution logistics. A literature review and an identification approach were used. Findings: Within the logistics concept the particular importance is assigned both to the nature and the most important features of distribution as well as to the nature of the distribution logistics and its basic characteristics. Practical implications: Both distribution and distribution logistics are the important tools for building firm success and its competitive advantage. Distribution and distribution logistics also play a crucial role in firms' and supply chains strategies development, as well as in building and implementing modern business models. Originality/value: The most important features related to the logistics perspective of distribution and distribution logistics were presented. The article is addressed both to researchers as well as managers and other business practitioners. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- University of Opole, Poland
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