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Purpose: The purpose of this research is to assess the importance and difficulty of particular knowledge management processes in the NPI before and during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. The focus of interest are the issues of knowledge flow in the organization, concerning creation and exchange of knowledge and the relationship between knowledge management practices and the creation and introduction of new knowledge in NPI. Design/methodology/approach: The methodology is based on structured individual interviews that were conducted with 12 employees of companies involved in NPI processes. This format allows for better understanding and assessment of KM processes and reasons for change. The interviewees were inquired directly about the importance and difficulty of the KM processes. Findings: The results have confirmed the crucial role of Knowledge Management in NPI. The processes of knowledge sharing and knowledge application are of greatest importance. The pandemic has affected knowledge flow processes; however, the perceived importance of individual KM processes during pandemic has not changed significantly, yet coding and knowledge-sharing processes require more attention. Research limitations/implications: Results may not reflect the entire NPI field due to limited number of interviewed companies. It is advisable to carry out research that will take into account the division into different areas of companies' activities and analyze other processes of knowledge management. Practical implications: The results are useful for adjusting by enterprises the KM processes to meet the changing conditions during NPIs, especially in the context of remote working. Social implications: By adapting the KM in NPI to the presented current circumstances companies may improve not only the business outcomes, but also the well-being of employees, as a results of decreasing their stress connected with inadequacy of work processes to the real requirements. Originality/value: Based on quality research, the article shows trends emerging in the KM during the NPI, which are useful for companies that run New Product Introductions, as well as for researchers by providing a starting point for further research. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Lodz University of Technology
- Lodz University of Technology
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