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Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to explore employees' reactions to talent management (TM), given the controversy around this issue. Specifically, the study presented here aims to determine the impact of TM practices perceived by the talent pool members on their work engagement and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). The study also investigates the role of perceived distributive and procedural justice as an psychological processes that are involved in shaping the employees' reactions.
Design/methodology/approach: The authors surveyed 730 participants of talent pools from 33 large companies, each of which has its own well-developed TM program. A series of hierarchical regression analyses were performed to test the hypotheses.
Findings: The study shows that TM practices perceived by employees in talent pools have a positive direct and indirect (via perceived distributive justice) effects on their work engagement and OCB. The results also reveal that perception of procedural justice moderates the impact of perceived distributive justice on talent pool members' engagement and OCB.
Originality/value: Although TM has received considerable attention in the practitioner and academic literature, very little is known about its long-term consequences, especially on performance-related attitudes and behaviors of employees. This seems to be an important omission as their reactions should influence how effective TM programs are. Present study is one of very few studies to investigate the effects of TM practices at the individual level, thus delivering added value to the study domain.(original abstract)
Design/methodology/approach: The authors surveyed 730 participants of talent pools from 33 large companies, each of which has its own well-developed TM program. A series of hierarchical regression analyses were performed to test the hypotheses.
Findings: The study shows that TM practices perceived by employees in talent pools have a positive direct and indirect (via perceived distributive justice) effects on their work engagement and OCB. The results also reveal that perception of procedural justice moderates the impact of perceived distributive justice on talent pool members' engagement and OCB.
Originality/value: Although TM has received considerable attention in the practitioner and academic literature, very little is known about its long-term consequences, especially on performance-related attitudes and behaviors of employees. This seems to be an important omission as their reactions should influence how effective TM programs are. Present study is one of very few studies to investigate the effects of TM practices at the individual level, thus delivering added value to the study domain.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- University of Economics in Katowice, Poland
- University of Economics in Katowice, Poland
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