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Purpose: Paper provides an overview of the methodology and diverse applications of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis MCDA. Also shows criteria and analytical activities in the process of quantitative scientific research. An approach to selecting the company's operating strategy and its strategic position in relation to the environment in which it operates is presented. A model approach to consumer behavior was assessed. Design/methodology/approach: It provides insights into weighting criteria, aggregating preferences, and sensitivity analysis. During the analysis of criteria and analytical activities, a broad literature review was used, comparing the most popular and most effective methods of operation. Findings: Verification problems of multi-criteria selection problems are the problem of practical identification of which elements of actual market behavior are equivalent to theoretical categories. It is also necessary to verify the regularities occurring in these behaviors by confronting them with the actual behavior of consumers and determining compliance with the regularities occurring in this course. Practical implications: Decision analysis can be used directly in solving problems with various decision-making contexts and in analytical work related to organizing objects or building a multi-criteria ranking. As MCDA continues to evolve in the quantitative research landscape, it remains central to facilitating informed decisions, accommodating trade-offs between criteria, and strengthening the rigour of quantitative analysis. Originality/value: The article defines the most important methods of consumer behavior and activities in enterprises, which behaviors and activities are conditioned by the external environment and market rules; highlights applications of MCDA in real-world problem solving. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Silesian University of Technology
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