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Purpose: The aim of the article is to determine the relationship between OCBs and psychosocial working conditions. Design/methodology/approach: The survey was conducted using the OCB scale developed by Spector and the COPSOQ tool. Statistical analysis was carried out using Statistica software. Findings: The research demonstrates that the manifestation of OCB-O by respondents correlated with more aspects of psychosocial working conditions than in the case of OCB-P. When analyzing OCB-O, strong correlations were reported with the following variables: possibilities for development, job satisfaction, and meaning of work. In the case of OCB-P, these correlations were moderate. In addition, in the case of OCB-O, a weak relationship was also identified with the following variables: quality of leadership, social support, and influence at work. These correlations were negligible for OCB-P. The obtained results demonstrate that quantitative demands do not correlate with either OCB-O or OCB-P. However, in what concerns influence at work variable, a weak correlation was identified for OCB-O as well as a negligible correlation for OCB-P. Research limitations: The study was only quantitative and not qualitative, while the research relied solely on respondents' statements. The sample was selected purposively, which means the findings cannot be generalized, and the study involved only Polish organizations, meaning it was embedded in a specific cultural context. Additionally, the research was not a longitudinal study. The data was lagged, which does not allow for strong causal inference. The use of questionnaire-based research may have triggered a common method bias. Practical implications: managers of any type of organization should do their best to encourage employees to display OCBs. This may be facilitated by appropriate psychosocial working conditions, especially in the areas of: possibilities for development, meaning of work, job satisfaction. Originality/value: According to our findings, at the moment of writing this paper there are also no comparative studies examining the relationship existing between OCBs and working conditions covering the three types of organizations: for-profit, public, and nonprofit. Besides, in the course of reviewing the literature, we found no studies examining the relationship between OCBs and influence at work and quantitative demands. (original abstract)
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