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Unemployment is one of the most important problems affecting people in all countries. It affects the functioning of entire economies, industries, and enterprises; it also reduces the level and quality of people's lives. The dynamic changes that are taking place in the labor market are forcing entrepreneurs to adopt a flexible approach to labor market resources - that is, employees - and also to choose appropriate forms of human capital management. This may lead to a reduction in unemployment in the market. Consequently, tackling unemployment is one of the important challenges facing the European Union, especially on its way to achieving sustainable development goals. High levels of unemployment could significantly hamper the achievement of the Agenda 2030 employment targets (SDG8), leading to poverty, social and economic inequality, and social instability. Therefore, the subject of this study is unemployment in EU countries; the main objective is to examine unemployment levels across EU member states. The deliberations and analysis are carried out in the context of the Agenda 2030 Goal 8 (SDG 8) for sustainable development. Taking into account the different degrees of implementation of SDG8 by individual Member States, and thus the different results in this respect, the study finds differences and similarities among the surveyed Member States in terms of types and levels of unemployment. The research is based on Eurostat data for 2022, and uses multidimensional comparative analysis methods such as cluster analysis and linear ordering. A review of selected sources on international and European law focuses on employment policy standards, including the problem of unemployment; this serves as a background for the analyses. The considerations are embedded in the concept of sustainable development, which influences the functioning of entire economies, but also in the processes of enterprise management. Based on the literature and the results of the analyses, it is concluded that levels of unemployment vary greatly in the analyzed countries. The best conditions for availability and accessibility of work are found in the Czech Republic and Malta; the worst are in Spain and Greece, where unemployment is very high. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- University of Rzeszów, Poland
- University of Rzeszów, Poland
- Matej Bel University, Slovakia
- Rzeszow University of Technology, Poland
- Rzeszow University of Technology, Poland
- University of Rzeszów, Poland
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