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In line with the ever-changing era, we are living in, services are continuously growing as well, and becoming more complex, and interdisciplinary. However, service firms should not only be focusing on developing a new service, but to consider developing strategies to keep up with their already existing service to be on the market continuously. Thus far, a question came across to me which concept should the service firms focus on to strengthen their service to be sus- tainable, so that they build sustainable relationships with their customers in the long run. It has been a long concern for service firms to build successful strategies that yield their service to be sustainable. When the service is sustainable, it means their customers are satisfied with the service, and therefore more likely for them to become loyal customers. From the perspective of service firms, in- creasing the number of their loyal customers is one of the most important fac- tors. Some even say that it is more important than getting new customers as most of the valuable and meaningful behaviors are coming from those loyal custom- ers, rather than from the new customers. How can service firms earn customers' hearts for the long term? Build trust, which can be built by the service firms manifesting the transparency of their business and their service offerings. In this chapter, we will be exploring how service firms can sustain their service and customers in terms of transparency by investigating (1) definitions of sustainable service, (2) definition of transparency in service, and (3) transparency as a sustainability cue in the service. I express appreciation to Professor Jay Kandampully at the Ohio State Uni- versity for assisting and giving his thoughtful guidance to this research.(fragment of text)
Opis fizyczny
- The Ohio State University, USA
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