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In Turkey, the housing market is affected by various factors, and housing prices are shaped according to current conditions. In this study, the relationship between the housing price index (HPI) and economic variables (inflation and exchange rate) in Turkey was investigated. We used a 10-year time period for this study, from January-2010 to December-2019, with monthly data frequency. For our research, we employ the Wavelet Coherence Transformation (WCT) method. The results show that there is a positive relationship between inflation and housing prices in the short and long run. In addition, a continuous rise in inflation led to an increase in housing prices all over the period from 2010 to 2019. The findings of this study can aid in achieving the goal of the research by offering evidence-based perceptions of how housing prices and different economic variables are related. Housing costs in Turkey increased as a result of the substantial likelihood that the Turkish lira would weaken. The expansion of global inflation is a further anticipated factor contributing to the rise in housing costs in Turkey. This study can also be used by investors to help them decide whether to engage in the Turkish real estate industry. (original abstract)
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