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Purpose: Coke production is hindered by a number of serious environmental nuisances. It is also a capital- and cost-intensive production. Despite these complex production conditions, coke is regarded as a critical raw material due to its key importance in steel production worldwide and there are few circumstances nowadays that indicate a possibility of rapid change of the existing state of affairs. For these reasons, it is becoming extremely important in coke production to look for investment solutions that will enable the reduction of environmental hazards while at the same time rationalizing the economic outlays incurred in their implementation. Thus, the goal of this article is to present a methodology for evaluating the environmental effectiveness of investments in coking plants, making it possible to balance environmental and economic benefits. Design/methodology/approach: The research made use of an analysis of environmental hazards in process terms, an index for evaluating environmental effectiveness and rules for assessing compliance with the Best Available Techniques (BAT) conclusions. In order to verify the proposed methodology, a multi-variant analysis was used relating to selected pro- environmental investment projects. Findings: Against the background of previous analyses in this area, the considerations and research carried out are distinguished by the inclusion of a process approach to sources of emissions in coke production, rather than a point approach, and simultaneous consideration of environmental and economic criteria. Practical implications: The presented methodology can also be applied to coking plants without major difficulties and additional costs, which is an additional, application value added of the article. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Institute of Energy and Fuel Processing Technology, Zabrze
- Silesian University of Technology, Poland
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