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The hospitality industry has been hit particularly hard by the global COVID pandemic. The introduced restrictions and limitations, combined with the general drop in demand, changed the operating conditions of many enterprises. At the same time, hotels with the highest categorisation are expected to meet high quality requirements. This means the necessity to incur considerable costs of quality assurance. Taking into account the conditions resulting from the pandemic, it seems reasonable to analyse the current costs of quality assurance and the methods of accounting for them in hotel establishments as part of the management strategy. The purpose of this paper is to identify the application of quality cost accounting systems by hotels. The authors aim to verify the popularity and importance of this tool among hotel service providers. A critical analysis of the available scientific literature in the area of accounting and quality management was used to prepare the theoretical part of the publication. In the conducted research, the authors used the direct interview method as the main research tool. The research covered deliberately selected 128 hotel establishments from all over Poland. The added value of the work consists in filling the gap in the research on the application of quality cost accounting in Polish hotel establishments. The research was conducted at the end of 2021, so it concerns the current situation on the tourism market. It included a deliberately selected group of hotels from across the country. The results of the research leave no doubt as to the significant impact of the pandemic on the costs of ensuring adequate quality in the domestic hotel industry. (original abstract)
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