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One of the elements of creating a competitive advantage of modern enterprises is the development of supply chains, in which logistic processes are essential. Managing such a supply chain allows the integration of key business processes from the end user through suppliers delivering products, services and information, which provides added value for customers and other stakeholders. The main purpose of the study is to assess the degree of implementation of logistic business processes within the supply chain in enterprises operating in the agri-food industry. The source material on the basis of which the analysis was carried out and conclusions were formulated were surveys conducted among agribusiness entrepreneurs from Podkarpacie. The conducted research shows that the level of advancement of logistics processes in supply chains depends on the type of industry in which a specific company operates and its size. Larger economic entities, due to the possibilities and capital they have, use advanced and integrated IT systems supporting production planning, supply, distribution and sales. The implementation of such tools allows for the standardization of many business processes within the network of connections of entities participating in a common supply chain. (original abstract)
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- University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Poland
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