nr 1 (ang) Social Security Systems in the Light of Demographic, Economic and Technological Challenges
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Growing life expectancy also increases the risk of longevity (age risk) associated with a longer-than-expected life expectancy. This risk has an individual and a group dimension. On an individual basis, the realization of this risk may mean exhaustion of additional retirement savings and scarcity, and often even poverty, of elderly people who live longer-than-expected. The subjective assessment of life expectancy has a significant impact on household decisions regarding the division of income between current consumption and saving (deferred consumption), and thus - the amount of additional resources accumulated for the old age, and thus - the level of individual longevity risk. This paper aims at comparing the subjective life expectancy estimates with the values provided by the Statistics Poland in the life tables for given age groups (demographic cohorts). Subjective life expectancy estimates for selected age groups of women and men were identified in a nation-wide sample survey. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Poznan University of Technology, Poland
- Poznan University of Technology, Poland
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