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2022 | nr 12 (4) | 23-32
Tytuł artykułu

Russian News Journalism: Neglect of Standards and Common Sense

Warianty tytułu
Języki publikacji
The rules of news presentation are independent of time and space. It is about using professional news journalism methods in order to reflect reality, despite the shortage of time and finances. Messages are formulated according to professional standards of unbiased event coverage. This means that journalists must present the events as impartially as possible. Own assessments are inadmissible; the presentation must be based on facts. The Russian Information Agency (RIA Novosti), which is part of the International Information Agency (MIA Rossiya Segodnya) violates news standards as well as principles of news agencies and cannot be a true and reliable information source.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
  • National Academy of Communication Study, Kyiv, Ukraine
  • National Academy of Communication Study, Kyiv, Ukraine
  • 82% novyn pro Ukraïnu ta kraïni Zahodu, âki Rosìâ poširûê v Brytanìï, prisvâčenì polìtičnim provalam (Eng. 82% of the news about Ukraine and the countries of the West, which Russia spreads in Britain, is devoted to political failures), 2019, Vidrodženâ, news_pres/ (sccessed 07 April 2022).
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  • Da zamolči ty uže": britancy vozmutilic' uprekami ot glavy MID Ukrainy (Eng. "Shut up already": the British were outraged by the rebuke from the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine), 2022, RIA Novosti, wAR2NzxLj0EtyrN5yS7m6THZhdovSXwm_eKKRrSL_ j6KKcxaGV8pyAMY2tXg (accessed 07 April 2022).
  • Èkspert: ukrainskije fejki o specoperacii stali memami iz-za absurdnosti (Eng. Expert: Ukrainian fakes about special operations became memes because of their absurdity), 2022, RIA Novosti, feyki-1779741661.html (accessed 07 April 2022).
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  • "Lev nakonetc rуknul." Brazil'cy o voennoj operacii Rossii v Donbasse (Eng. "The lion has finally roared." Brazilians about the military operation in Donbas), 2022, Radio Sputnik, donbass-1774802903.html?fbclid=IwAR0_BSQVWGXGG ofQwMQ25M2z4WYWdMiBy5DuJYADjq9jFA1rq9vhoqN7 R_g (accessed 07 April 2022).
  • Medìjnì zločini Rosìï u vìjnì proti Ukraïni (onovlûêt'câ) (Eng. Russia's war crimes against media in Ukraine (updated continuously)), 2022, Ìnstitut masovoï ìnformatcìï, https:// (accessed 05 April 2022).
  • Mynoboronу RF: VSU rasstrelâli prosivših ob èvakuacii černigovcev (Eng. Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation: the Ukrainian Armed Forces shot those Chernihiv residents who asked for the evacuation), 2022, Radio Sputnik, amp/20220324/sbu-1779963496.html (accessed 07 April 2022).
  • Nebenziâ rasskazal v OON o fejkah pro voennuû operatsyû v Donbasse (Eng. Nebenzya told the UN about fakes about the military operation in Donbas), 2022, Radio Sputnik, (accessed 07 April 2022).
  • "Ostanovit' Putina? Ostanovit' Bajdena." V Ispanii vstali na zaŝitu Rossii (Eng. "Stop Putin? Stop Biden." In Spain, they stood up for Russia), 2022, Radio Sputnik, ispaniya-1774838504.html?fbclid=IwAR3NqKnNWy_ mLuQIQNVed9nBSlYIwGPrHy8_ tXZNRHJvFimXz4rueDNUKgc (accessed 07 April 2022).
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  • Peskov zaâvil, čto rossâne podderživaût voennuû operaciû v Donbasse (Eng. Peskov stated that Russians support the military operation in Donbas), 2022, Ria Novosti, https:// AR3HC0WyPbEBbOaliuDbVDPEAVmYhcHfn0LWzu8qo Cy_YbgrlLqq23cmCSk (accessed 07 April 2022).
  • Premer Yzraylia posovetoval Zelenskomu pryniat uslovyia Moskvу (Eng. The Prime Minister of Israel advised Zelensky to accept Moscow's conditions), 2022, RIA Novosti, (accessed 07 April 2022).
  • Putin ob"âvil o spetcial'noj voennoj operacii v Donbasse (Eng. Putin announced a special military operation in Donbas), 2022, RIA Novosti, https://ria. ru/20220224/operatsiya-1774620380.html?fbclid=I wAR3CQ3O0B9V9O4NfNRngUDu13d2WnkBP_BU-RYbH3ycg79utT9vj5NLah8 (accessed 07 April 2022).
  • Putin spas sotni tуsâč žizniej, zaâvil èks-prem'er Ukrainу (Eng. Putin saved hundreds of thousands of lives, as the exprime minister of Ukraine says), 2022, Radio Sputnik, html?fbclid=IwAR29D8RDV_YYyyq8o3i15DuNibgeRu JTNC38B1ztHjs79IV4VpcdgF5t7Kg) (accessed 07 April 2022).
  • Putin zaâvil, čto Rossiâ budet stremit'sâ k demilitarizacii Ukrainу (Eng. Putin said that Russia will strive to demilitarize Ukraine), 2022, RIA Novosti, https:// html?fbclid=IwAR0sbGZF0_d2ND6Lz7HOCUfq76m1m F9tAnVMyxMH3vENwhmHM9XOfmhA29k (accessed 07 April 2022).
  • Rosìâ vyznala "ìnoagentom" vydannâ Deutsche Welle (Eng. Russia recognized Deutsche Welle a "foreign agent"), 2022,, (accessed 05 April 2022).
  • Russian forces cut off Ukraine's Chernihiv city, mayor says, 2022, Reuters, (accessed 07 April 2022)].
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  • V Kitae nazvali "pravil'nуm postupkom" spetcoperaciû RF v Donbasse (Eng. In China, the special operation of the Russian Federation in the Donbas was called a "correct action"), 2022, Radio Sputnik, 3YzofZx6LM18pyTus5v7ImowBJ7BkbRtZzoTwCuGNig 6j_jwMr0ARzd2Q (accessed 07 April 2022).
  • V OP zaâvili o 1,3 milliona fejkov o specoperacii na Ukraine (Eng. The Public Chamber reported 1.3 million fakes about special operations in Ukraine), 2022, RIA Novosti, https:// Yn7Y1GgqHfTPuCSekU6LUfyzsmhxfxHpkAohs6IMhHXX 2AZKqu2b0-M (accessed 07 April 2022).
  • V SŠA pryivali Zelenskogo ne soprotivlât'câ i "prynât' nejtralitet" (Eng.The USA urged Zelenskyy not to resist and accept neutrality), 2022, Radio Sputnik, https://radiosputnik.ria. ru/20220310/zelenskiy-1777561333.html?fbclid=IwAR2YLww6G2wB9OD92RV7W2JGMcAoUUxBvg1vFKjJVN2bXY qlwUvYMcNfjGU (accessed 07 April 2022).
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  • Voennуj èkspert: Zelenskomu nado soglašat'câ na usloviâ Moskvу (Eng. Military expert: Zelenskyy must agree to Moscow's terms), 2022, Žurnalistskaâ pravda, https:// (accessed 07 April 2022).
  • Z RF pislâ počatku vìjny proti Ukraìni viïhalo ŝonajmenše 150 žurnalìstìv (Eng. At least 150 journalists left the Russian Federation after the start of the war against Ukraine), 2022, RBK-Ukraïna, html (accessed 05 April 2022).
  • Zapadnуe SMI opustili standartу žurnalistiki do nebуvalуh glubin (Eng. Western mass media have lowered the journalism standards to unprecedented depths), 2022, RIA Novosti, html (accessed 07 April 2022).
  • Zreliŝ mnogo, hleba ne hvatit. Grozât li miru golodnуe buntу (Eng. There are many circuses, but there is not enough bread. Do hunger riots threaten the peace?), 2022, RIA Novosti, (accessed 07 April 2022).
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