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Języki publikacji
This paper examines how a Polish television drama series Father Matthew is used for promoting the town of Sandomierz and its vicinity. It aims to identify the tourism values presented in the film production and to describe promotional activities related to film tourism based on the results of surveys. The empirical part presents the results of surveys conducted in 2022 investigating the respondents' interest in film and its effect on travelling for tourism. It was established which cultural and natural values were used to promote the town by exhibiting them in the TV drama series. Reference was made to the quantity and nature of information directly regarding the plot of Father Matthew published by national and regional media in Poland. It was demonstrated that the indicated film production is the main form of the town's promotion - used for building a complete tourism product. It enhances the town's attractiveness and recognisability and increases the use of its tourism facilities - thus stimulating the development of film tourism.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Gdansk University of Physical Education and Sport, Poland
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