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Over the past decade, immigration has been the main driver shaping Poland's migration policy. This has given rise to the concept and problem of an immigrant as an "other" who should be adjusted to Polish reality. The idea of parochialism is helpful in addressing the matter of the lookingglass self and its consequences for immigration policy. This article aims to interpret Poland's immigration policy in the context of parochialism and its virtues. It points to the consequences of a migration paradigm shift generated by modernisation and indigenisation. The methodology embraces a theoretical framing of parochialism, an interpretive political analysis approach, a qualitative content analysis, and an interpretation of selected public opinion polls and surveys. The argument developed in this article holds that Poland's immigration policy after 2015 has been marked by the tendency to favour parochialism as an attitude which captures immigrants in the exclusionary formula of "others". The mobilisation of the Polish population to oppose the infl ow of immigrants is in line with their "domestication" according to ethno-nationalist standards. Such process facilitates the implementation of Poland's immigration policy by shifting responsibility from the central authorities to local communities.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Jagiellonian University
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