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Purpose: The main goal of the research was to determine the spectrum of instruments supporting management processes that are used to improve the quality of products in terms of sustainable development. We analyzed the degree of their use in the practical functioning of the surveyed enterprises. In addition, the aim of the research was to determine the scope of application of the indicated instruments or the possibility of their use in the decision-making process relating to the improvement of the broadly understood quality of products. Design/methodology/approach: The research method applied are: 1) standardized survey research making based on a survey conducted in contact and remote way conducted in 78 enterprises in south-eastern Poland; 2) analysis of the source documentation and in-depth interviews. It is a component of broader research. Findings: The following methods were used in decision-making processes with varying frequency: the Delphi method by 58% of respondents, Tree of Failure Analysis (by 52%), Event Tree Analysis (by 44%), and the QFD method (by 41% respondents). The surveyed companies that have implemented a vapour management system based on ISO standards tend to use 5 methods out of 25 cited in this study (these are a survey, brainstorming, 5Why and/or 5W2H, benchmarking, and the Delphi method). As a result of using mainly the above-mentioned methods in decision-making processes, 74% (out of all) of the respondents indicated an increase in the quality level of products, and 39% of respondents indicated the enhancement of the pro-ecological impact of products on the natural environment. Research limitations/implications: Most of the analysed enterprises from SMEs are tried integrating qualitative-environmental actions as part of improving the quality of products. This approach is crucial when improving the quality of products in SMEs. Practical implications: It is necessary to develop a multidimensional modl enabling the optimization of decision-making processes with the possibility of making full use of the available instruments for improving the quality of the product in such a way as to meet the rapidly changing requirements of stakeholders. Originality/value: The article has cognitive value for development of knowledge, science, quality, and environmental in the area of management of products. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Rzeszow University of Technology, Poland
- Rzeszow University of Technology, Poland
- Rzeszow University of Technology, Poland
- Technical University of Technology, Košice, Slovak Republic;
- Rzeszow University of Technology, Poland
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