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This paper investigates the linkages between economic growth and fiscal policy under perfect capital mobility. The model incorporates wide range of fiscal policy instruments: the budget deficit, the structure of public debt, public expenditures on education, public consumption, and four tax rates. We prove that two tax rates - on consumption and interest on government bonds held by domestic lenders - are neutral for economic growth: both for the balanced growth path (BGP), and for transitory dynamics. All other parameters of fiscal policy are not neutral. Theoretical results are illustrated with an empirical analysis for Poland based on post-global financial crisis data for the Polish economy (2009-2018). Numerical simulations show that if fiscal policy remains unchanged, Polish economy will converge to the BGP with GDP growing at 2.3%. The best way to accelerate growth is to increase public investment in education. The other budgetary policy instruments are less effective in shaping economic growth. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Poznań University of Economics, Poland
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