Warianty tytułu
Knowledge-based Economy in the European Regional Space (Evaluation Attempt)
Języki publikacji
Zasadniczym celem opracowania jest próba identyfikacji poziomu Gospodarki Opartej Na Wiedzy w europejskiej przestrzeni regionalnej na szczeblu NUTS 2 i ocena stopnia zróżnicowania przestrzennego w zakresie filaru "edukacja i zasoby ludzkie". (fragment tekstu)
The article presents the proposal of KBE measurement with regard to its basic components i.e, education and human resources. In order to evaluate the European regional space an approach implementing both Word Bank experiences and Eurosat resources was applied. The pillars of KBE i.e. education and human resources were illustrated by means of the following attributes: - the share of employed university graduates in the overall number of population aged 25-64; - share of population participating in continuing education in the overall number of population aged 25-64; - human resources in science and technology (HRST) as the percentage of workforce. The classification of 246 EU regions NUTS 2 level was conducted regarding the level of values referring to the researched attributes, having constructed eight classes of regions representing different levels of KBE development. The research facilitated evaluation of the European regional space diversification degree with regard to the level of attributes illustrating the pillars of education and human resources. The classification helped in identifying regions characterized by the highest level of KBE development in the field of education and human resources. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Akademia Ekonomiczna we Wrocławiu
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