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2008 | nr 237 | 104-128
Tytuł artykułu

Podejście instytucjonalne w geografii ekonomicznej i badaniach regionalnych

Warianty tytułu
Institutional Approach in Economic Geography and Regional Studies
Języki publikacji
W opracowaniu omówiono podstawowe problemy badawcze instytucjonalnej geografii ekonomicznej, rolę instytucji w rozwoju gospodarczym, ewolucję gospodarki, rolę innowacji technologicznych w rozwoju regionalnym i lokalnym. Przedstawiono koncepcje teoretyczne instytucjonalnej geografii ekonomicznej oraz sposoby ujmowania regionu w geograficznej analizie instytucjonalnej.
The aim of the article is to characterise an institutional approach in economic geography and its role in regional studies. An overview is given of the research problems and theoretical conceptions of this stream of economic geography with its emphasis on the role of broadly understood institutions in economic development, especially in a regional approach. Institutional analysis in economic geography rests on three basic conceptions of embeddedness, evolution, and diversity. This implies the assumption that economies are socially determined, have a history that affects their present development, and display regional differences. This is a breach from the universality of many theoretical approaches, specifically the neoclassical theory, since emphasis is put here on differences between the given spatial units. In economic geography, institutional thought is believed to offer a better insight into economic life at a level intermediate between the local and the global, i.e. the regional one. This holds especially for factors determining the success of an economy, pathways of its development, and growth potential. Thus, institutional analysis in economic geography implies a regional approach. It offers room for such an extension of regional studies in which both the global and local contexts are taken into consideration as well as the evolution of a region, the role of institutional factors and regional differences among them, and networks of relations underlying regional systems.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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