Warianty tytułu
The State of Socialisation of Farming in the Present-day Western Pomeranian Province in the Years 1989-1990.
Języki publikacji
W opracowaniu przedstawiono uspołecznienie przestrzeni rolniczej na terytorium obecnego woj. zachodniopomorskiego w latach 1989-1990. Omówiono udział gospodarstw państwowych oraz Rolniczych Spółdzielni Produkcyjnych w użytkach rolnych ogółem.
The state and the spatial differentiation I of the socialized farming in the years immediately preceding systemic transformation have already an historical dimension. Yet, the scale of this sector determined the I scope, character and rate of transformation of the socialized agriculture, and had essential economic, spatial and - particularly - social consequences, which are hard to deal away with even today. High share of the socialized sector in the ownership of farming space in the present-day Western Pomeranian Province resulted from historical conditions. During decades this territory was dominated by the large-scale Prussian Junker estates, which were taken over after the World War II by the socialized farms that preserved and petrified the existing spatial pattern of fields and of the settlement system. The change took place of the ownership, but not of the spatial structure. In 1989 the degree of socialization of agricultural production space in Western Pomeranian Province was the highest in the country. As much as 63.1% of agricultural land belonged to socialized farms (the average for Poland as a whole being at 24%), and in 80 municipalities this share was dominating (there were altogether in Poland 230 such municipalities), in 54 the share exceeded 60%, and in 6 municipalities - even 80%. The highest proportion of agricultural land (57%, on the average in Poland - 18.7%) belonged to the state farm combines and multi-plant enterprises (the State Agricultural Property Agency took over 704,000 hectares of land from the former state farms). In 73 municipalities the share of agricultural land owned by the state farms was dominating, while the biggest farms, in terms of their surface area, were located within the Polanów Upland, Szczecinek Lake District, Białogard Plain, Wałcz Lake District and Pyrzyce-Stargard Plain. The farming co-operatives managed close to 67,000 hectares of agricultural land (4% of the total area of agricultural land), majority of it within the Pyrzyce-Stargard Plain, county of Sławno and in the municipalities of Świdwin and Drawsko Pomorskie. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Instytut Geografii i Przestrzennego Zagospodarowania im. Stanisława Leszczyckiego PAN
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Typ dokumentu
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