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Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) is a very complex technology. Although the installation of pipelines by means of this technology is often successful, examples of unsuccessful projects are also known. Due to the complexity of the technology, with the interaction of multiple processes, risks related to uncertainties in these processes play important role. These risks are related to the variability of underground strata, changing natural environment, changes in economic environment, as well as limitations of the equipment, technical disruptions and human factors. This paper describes the risk evaluation results of the FMEA and a Pareto- Lorenz analysis for 14 external risk factors (8 natural or environmental risk factors as well as 6 economic risk factors) in HDD technology. In the proposed approach not only the probability of the external risk factor occurrence was considered, but also its consequences and the ability to detect faults, which were not plainly separated and taken into account in the literature so far. Such an approach has shown the relationship between occurrence, severity and detection for the analysed external failures. Moreover, 40 detection possibilities for the external risks in HDD technology were identified. The calculated risk priority numbers enabled ranking HDD external failures and identified the most critical risks for which the suggested detection options were unsatisfactory and insufficient, and therefore other types of risk response actions need to be explored. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Kielce University of Technology, Poland
- Kielce University of Technology, Poland
- Horizontal Directional Drilling Engineering, Australia
- Deltares, the Netherlands
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