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2020 | nr 4(114) | 33-58
Tytuł artykułu

Resolutions Introducing Restricted Use Areas around Airports as Special Local Legislative Acts, Based on the Example of Restrictions on Residential Development

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Restricted use areas (hereinafter: RUA), as a form of intervention by public authorities, are presented as local law acts of special nature, capable of influencing both restrictions on the ownership right of a property and municipalities' planning authority. The main research problem presented in this article is frequent over interpretation of the provision of Art. 129 of the Environmental Law Act (ELA), offering the possibility to assert claims on account of restrictions to the ownership right. It turns out that residential property owners, against the RUA regime, strive to obtain compensation for their alleged loss. The discussed phenomenon is widespread despite the fact that out of eleven RUAs only in five cases restrictions were introduced to the residential function of already existing or newly designed objects. In the light of the above, the purpose of this article is to depict the problems of influence of the scope of the introduced restrictions concerning residential buildings located in the direct vicinity of airports on the possibility to obtain compensation under Art. 129 ELA. The analysis will cover also the impact of resolutions establishing RUAs on administrative powers and on the civil law institution of ownership. The author's attention was also focused on demonstrating a direct impact of the relationships introduced in RUAs on the behaviour of participants in the real estate market. The research is conducted, among others, based on the legal dogmatic method and legal theoretical method. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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