Warianty tytułu
Social Changes Juxtaposed with Changes in the Family
Języki publikacji
All the aspects of contemporary family life, that are discussed in the text undergo significant changes. We refer to those changes neiter as progress, positive development or evolution, nor as crisis, regression, stagnation or even pathological development. Change are characterized by the contribution of social and structural level (demographic trends, changes in education and the world of work, the conduct of human life as an institution changes, growing economic standard and their differentiation, the general trend of liberalization, changes in female self-assessment, changing world of work; education, etc.). Changes are presented from the perspective of both: parents and children to obtein complete image of changes and possible schemes of current, fragmented family life. Development of Slovak families in the last decade reflects a mixture of historical continuity and important change. Even the majority of young families is dominated by a combination of traditional and postmodern relations, attitudes, values and forms of life. Slovak family functions between continuity and change, thus the quality of its various aspects and attributes will be necessary not only to identify and empirically verify it, but also subsequently evaluate. Today we are witness the first signs of a new rise in marriage, and marriage, free from patriarchal ballast and including not only love and sexual coexistence, but also greater mutual tolerance, friendship and support as znovunadobúdanie (regaining) forces and relax from everyday life, relaxation from everyday life, dictates of competition or even economic partnership. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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