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In this paper, the authors investigate an impact of effective human resources management on the success of SMEs in Ga-ziantep, Turkey. A survey has been performed on small and medium sized enterprises that benefit actively from the support and grants of the Small and Medium Enterprises Development Organisation of Turkey (KOSGEB) to learn about human resources management structures of small- and medium-sized enterprises in Gaziantep. The survey results have been analysed and evaluated by using the SPSS 18 statistical program. The information and results about human resources management structures and economic achievement of the SMEs have been obtained from the survey. It is shown that SMEs which perform human resources management effectively have been economically successful in terms of competitiveness, employee counts, employee performance, market growth and economic development. Finally, the effect of KOSGEB support which is aimed to improve human resources structures of small- and medium-sized enterprises has been investigated. It is shown from survey results that human resources management support and grants of KOSGEB have a positive impact on the development and success of small- and medium-sized enterprises.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Szent Istvan University, Hungary
- Szent Istvan University, HungarySzent Istvan University, HungarySzent Istvan University, HungarySzent Istvan University, Hungaryvv
- Gaziantep University, Turkey
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