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Motivation: The modern economy shows many imperfections in its functioning that do not exist in the model conditions of perfect competition. These are the so-called market failures which prompted the state?s activity in the markets. The subject of considerations in this paper is the ability of the excise duty to eliminate some of these imperfections. Aim: The main aim of the study is an attempt to answer the question whether on the beer market in Poland the declared objectives of the regulation are consistent with the achieved results on that market. Materials and methods: To achieve the assumed goal, the analysis of the literature on the subject, legal acts and statistical data was used, and the problem was illustrated on the basis of a case study based on own research. Results: The analyzes presented in this article on the regulation of the beer market in Poland may be helpful in supporting the hypothesis of inconsistent regulation of this market. In other words, the applied regulatory tool, which is the excise duty, does not lead to a decrease in the consumption of these goods, but causes other negative side effects. (original abstract)
Słowa kluczowe
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