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Research background: The fast pace of life of contemporary people living in developed countries results in a search for peace and relaxation, which is reflected in new forms of tourism. One of them is slow tourism, which is at an early stage of development. A new type of tourist is emerging - one who is conscious, responsible, critical, respectful of nature, open to learning about the customs, culture and religion of local populations. Purpose: This paper analyses the changes that take place in tourism from a socio-economic perspective, characterized by withdrawing from mass tourism and a shift towards individual tourism, with particular emphasis on slow tourism.Research methodology: The paper is based on a compilation of the current literature of the subject, reports and analysis of Polish websites devoted to slow travel. It is a synthesis of economic and social aspects of slow tourism development, including the motives for taking up slow tourism by tourists and the offer of slow travel in Poland. Results: The analysis of the literature reveals a large diversity in the definition of slow tourism. A lively discussion is going on regarding the meaning of the new trend, its importance and future. In Poland, slow tourism is becoming increasingly popular, as evidenced by, among others: an increase in the number of offers for slow tourists. Novelty: This analysis contributes to deepening the knowledge on new trends in tourism - slow tourism. These considerations contribute to the author's further research on the development of this phenomenon. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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