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Research background: The search for stable factors affecting latent variables that reflect the assessment of quality of life in three areas of an individual's functioning is the background of the study. In the analysis was assumed the existence of the relationships between QoL assessment and subjective factors related to socio-economic aspects. Purpose: The aim of the study was to recognize assessments in given areas of transferring subjective satisfaction with a level of social factors and checking the stability of the assumed relationship between factors describing three areas of functioning: household, country of residence, EU. The next goal was to compare the results obtained in the study of natural relationships between factors with the given systems of these factors in the areas of an individual's functioning. Characteristics of behaviour were compared in three generations of Europeans. The application objective of the study was to indicate the usefulness of SEM in the research problem. Research methodology: The Standard Eurobarometer, autumn 2018, provided data describing adults from the generations Y, X, and BB. Structural equation models were used.Results: The effect of the used method is the determination of the factors that affect the assessments made by three European Generations in the areas of an individual's functioning: direct, close and further. Novelty: The analysis showed the usefulness of structural equation models to achieve the goals of the study. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Wrocław University of Economics, Poland
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