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Research background: There are numerous interactions between the natural environment and a hotel company. On the one hand, the natural environment affects the hotel; on the other hand, the hotel has a significant impact on the environment. Dynamic changes in the natural environment and their effects on the functioning of hotels make it important to assess the strength and directions and to identify the conditions and consequences of these mutual interactions.Purpose: The paper aims to assess interactions taking place between the natural environment and hotels located in Wroclaw, Poland. Research methodology: The main research method was a diagnostic questionnaire survey. The study was carried out 2017 among the owners or managers of 24 hotels from Wrocław. Chi-squared tests were conducted and Cramer's V measures of association were calculated. The level of statistical significance was set at ex ante α = 0.05. Results: In the opinion of the highest percentage of respondents, interactions between the natural environment and Wroclaw hotels are of low strength and are neutral. The hotel type was associated with the strength of the environmental impact on the hotel. In the Wrocław hotels that were researched there were significant correlations between the strength of the hotel's impact on the natural environment, hotel specific location, and quality standard (hotel rating). Novelty: Potential correlations between the strength and directions of interactions between hotels, as well as between the natural environment and organizational and functional characteristics of urban hotels have not been researched before. (original abstract)
Słowa kluczowe
Opis fizyczny
- Opole University of Technology, Poland
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