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Research background: The paper focuses on value co-creation and co-destruction during online consumption. The current understanding of the concept of value is based on the premise that value emerges from interactions leading to exchange among multiple actors, including customers and companies. This implies the active role of all participants and leads to diversified outcomes, both positive (value co-creation) and negative (value co-destruction). The phenomenon of value co-destruction is studied in the context of online consumption, which is particularly suitable as it allows for consumer proactivity and participation in the process of exchange. Purpose: The first purpose of the study is the conceptualization and operationalization of value co-creation and co-destruction. The second aim is to estimate the frequency of activities that can be conceptualized as various dimensions of online value co-creation/co-destruction. Research methodology: The empirical part presents the results of an exploratory study based on a survey (PAPI) conducted on a sample of 212 university students. Results: The main findings suggest that although young people regularly practice online consumption, they tend to behave in a rather passive manner and their value co-creation/co-destruction behaviours are limited to mostly price and promotion related activities. Novelty: Value co-destruction is a recent and understudied phenomenon. This paper proposes a conceptualization and operationalization of a value co-destruction concept. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- University of Warsaw, Poland
- University of Warsaw, Poland
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