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Reverse logistics represents a current research area, in both theoretical and empirical terms. In Polish practice, reverse logistics refers to a narrow approach within the framework of waste management. Enterprises perceive their success and the source of long-term economic and social benefits in introducing new, pro-ecological solutions at various stages of the supply chain through implementing reverse logistics. The purpose of the article is to present the potential of implementing reverse logistics in view of the growing threats resulting from waste. A multidimensional comparative analysis is used in the study, based on the indicators describing waste management as an important element of reverse logistics for the European Union Member States (the EUROSTAT data). As a result, the EU countries are divided into those placed at the forefront and the ones which cannot handle the level of reverse logistics implementation through waste management. Stemming from the conducted analysis, attention was drawn to the unfavourable position of Poland in the implementation of waste management, which is manifested in the level of reverse logistics implementation. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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