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Purpose - to determine the impact of selected materials and maintenance strategies at the building exploitation stage on the building's service life and to present the influence of LCCA analyzes and the decision making process on future building durability.
Design/methodology/approach - the authors conducted a variant analysis of the estimated service life and building construction and maintenance costs under different scenarios for the selected residential building with the commercial part; the estimated service life (ESL) indicator method and a simple approach to the life cycle costs analysis (LCCA) were used in the research.
Findings - the results indicate the following suggestion for the investor - if he (at the decision-making stage) considered more expensive material solutions and then took into account the service time and costs of future renovations, would probably choose variant II - high quality of the materials building; the variant II has the longest estimated service life of 60 years (together with III), but significantly lower construction and maintenance costs; the analyzed variants were also intended to show the necessity to carry out cost-time analyzes at the initial stage of construction of the facility.
Research limitations - the research was limited to an example building and three different construction and service life scenarios.
Research implications - there is a need to carry out cost-time analyzes at the initial stage of construction of the facility - the investor at the decision-making stage must consider material solutions and then took into account the service time and costs of future renovations etc. (original abstract)
Design/methodology/approach - the authors conducted a variant analysis of the estimated service life and building construction and maintenance costs under different scenarios for the selected residential building with the commercial part; the estimated service life (ESL) indicator method and a simple approach to the life cycle costs analysis (LCCA) were used in the research.
Findings - the results indicate the following suggestion for the investor - if he (at the decision-making stage) considered more expensive material solutions and then took into account the service time and costs of future renovations, would probably choose variant II - high quality of the materials building; the variant II has the longest estimated service life of 60 years (together with III), but significantly lower construction and maintenance costs; the analyzed variants were also intended to show the necessity to carry out cost-time analyzes at the initial stage of construction of the facility.
Research limitations - the research was limited to an example building and three different construction and service life scenarios.
Research implications - there is a need to carry out cost-time analyzes at the initial stage of construction of the facility - the investor at the decision-making stage must consider material solutions and then took into account the service time and costs of future renovations etc. (original abstract)
- Cracow University of Technology
- Cracow University of Technology
- Cracow University of Technology
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